Are you sick of all the articles and advertisements urging you to lose 20 lbs in two months or shed a pound a week by following some particular cleanse, diet, exercise plan, or supplement schedule?
Perhaps you want to lose weight, but you want to do so safely and not necessarily in a rush. Here are some tips to help you lose weight at your pace so you’ll feel better about yourself while improving your health and quality of life.
Correct Any Foot Concerns You Have
Bunions or other foot issues can make most exercise excruciating. Needless to say, you’re unlikely to go for a walk or a bike ride if you experience pain every time your foot pushes down on the ground or pedal.
Thankfully, minimally invasive bunion surgery is available to take care of the problem quickly and get you back to your life within days. You’ll be able to eliminate the pain and start doing some practical exercise like walking or gardening within the week in most cases. If you are suffering from foot pain, getting rid of it is the first step to losing weight.
Choose Exercise That Gives You Joy
If thinking about exercising makes you sick, you’re probably not exercising correctly. Exercise can be a pleasant walk with the dog, a morning spent gardening, or a game of catch or frisbee with a child or grandchild.
There are all kinds of things you can do to get yourself moving, make your heart beat, and push your body into a slightly faster metabolism to burn fat. The more you enjoy exercise, the more likely you are to do it.
Try joining a walking group or volunteering to play with dogs at your local shelter. You’ll be amazed by how many ways you can find to exercise that soon become your favorite things to do.
Take The Focus Off of Food
Too often, diet and weight loss plans put so much focus on food that we find ourselves obsessing about it and eating even more. Don’t think about food so much.
Fill your kitchen cabinets with healthy, easy-to-prepare meals. Eliminate the snacks and sugary foods that tempt you. Try to put your energy into things besides food to avoid overeating. On the other hand, if you’re struck with a craving, don’t beat yourself up for indulging.
Take Your Time to Lose Weight the Way You Want
There’s no reason to feel pressured to lose weight in the ridiculous times suggested by diet and exercise plans made by people who want to make money from your weight loss journey. Go slow, enjoy the process, and find your best self.