By the time you get a Chief Technology Officer position, you should have a biography in place. You already know that a resume is a must when job hunting. At certain levels in your career, a biography can be your ticket to success. When it comes to cto bio writing, many professionals aren’t sure where to start. It is easy for someone else to write a biography about another person. Putting all of your achievements on paper can be an eye opening experience.
Understanding the fundamentals of what a biography is can save you a lot of time. We often see this done by writers, but the corporate world is asking for it as well. You have achieved a lot to get to this point and an employer can find your story interesting. A resume is just a list of facts. Writing a biography allows you to put some personality in there. It introduces the recruiter or potential employer to who you really are. There are ways you can do this wrong, so we will focus on how you can write one successfully.
Always in third person
A professional biography is always written in third person. There have been some people who have done it in first person, but it does not have the same effect. You need to become the storyteller of your own life. Step away from the knowledge that this is about you. Look at yourself from an outsider’s perspective. This will make it easier to write in third person.
Have a human tone
There is a difference between writing professionally and sounding like a robot. You have to consider that the person who is going to read your biography is an actual human being. It is much easier for the reader to identify with you write in a human tone. If you look at a cto profile sample you would often find that you are getting to know someone. This is the goal you want to have with your biography.
Back up your facts
You can write a fantastic biography and still don’t come across as convincing. Having evidence to back up what you are claiming is important. When you are writing your biography, always add some facts you can easily prove. You don’t have to add anything that isn’t true. Your success up until this point is enough achievement. Many people add facts that aren’t true, in the hopes to get a high powered position. This usually does not work out well because they have no way of proving those facts to be true. If you put it in your biography, make sure you can back it up.
Focus on the business first
When writing a biography, you are obviously focused on yourself and your achievements. It’s easy for your bio to be solely about yourself. Find a balance between considering the business as well. If you look at employee biographies that are successful, you will often find that it is not all about them. When you put down an achievement, talk about how it influenced the company you worked for at the time. How did it improve your surrounding elements? These are all interesting facts to include. The biography is about you, but show that your main focus has always been to make companies better.
Eliminate unnecessary errors
Your story could be incredible, but your writing should be the same. There is no excuse for poor written biographies. We have access to great writers who could do the job for you. When doing it yourself, always try and eliminate as many language errors as possible. No one wants to go over a sentence 5 times because it does not make any sense. You have access to grammar and spelling checkers. Use it to help you fix silly mistakes. I say, silly mistakes, because we are all human and not always perfect. If you can afford it, hire an editor to look over your biography before you start applying for positions.
What does a successful biography look like to you?
We all love a good story and a biography should deliver on that. Of course, it is always easier said than done. Someone might like what you have done and another person not. It’s all about finding the right fit. If you are happy with your biography, chances are there is an employer who would feel the same. Always be yourself and by doing that, you have won half of the battle.