Sharing images on social media has changed the marketing landscape as sites like Instagram increase the popularity of different brands. Instagram has come a long way from the site where we all went to share our photos with our friends and family to a platform that supports business growth by offering marketing avenues.
So how can you use Instagram marketing to reach a new and broader audience? Check out this page and the following tips for a complete breakdown.
Increase engagement
You can upload ten videos and photos simultaneous on Instagram, enabling you to share a lot of your products or services through an exciting collage of pictures. As a brand, you can increase engagement by having a contest where your followers or consumers of your product post their photos with the product and win prizes. Your followers can vote for the best picture, and everyone picks a winner.
Reward followers
To keep the attention of your followers come up with a reward system. Experts find that most brands lose followers because they do not keep their interest and unfortunately, sometimes your posts may not be enough to keep them locked in. Have a reward for your audience for just looking at your photos and videos by offering promotional codes on some of your merchandise. This will increase the number of comments and likes on your posts and resulting in better conversions.
Involve your clients
Having real customers as some of the faces on your Instagram page makes you more relatable and increases your popularity. Also, customers are excellent brand ambassadors, and sometimes a written review may not achieve the kind of effect you will get from featuring a customer. Showing your customer’s brand experience with your product not only makes it more memorable for the customer, but it also increases confidence in the brand for other customers.
Ensure that you interact with your followers by thanking them for their comments and likes. Such a simple gesture creates customer loyalty that results in conversions. Other ways to get your product seen by more people is by encouraging your customers to “tag your friends who love this.”
Create a fun, shareable and interactive hashtag that encourages more of your followers to post images of themselves using the hashtag so that they can appear on your page. The best part is that every new customer posting their picture with your hashtag is sharing your product and page with all their followers. Take the creative route with your product/brand images to make them interesting enough to attract followers when the hashtag is shared.
Use Instagram Insights for free analytics
This free analytics tool from Instagram helps accounts that have a business profile. You can track follower growth, how your content is performing, and the most active times of your followers so you can post content at that time. Plus, it offers you insight into your followers demographic. This information is invaluable when marketing your product or services on the platform.
Instagram has evolved into a gem for anyone looking to market their products. It is a great place to find a following and introduce extraordinary ideas and innovative products.