000Webhost Review – Free Website Builder

It is among the few web hosts that offer you to host your website without paying any amount at all. It might sound like a hoax or cheat, but 000webhost has been in the service of paid hosting business for more than four years now and are successfully providing free hosting services for two years. It is certainly a great place to begin all the experimentations related to web hosting on your relevant websites.

000webhost - Free Website Builder

The free web hosting services that are offered by 000webhost surely comes with some minor drawbacks that can be removed or get rid of by upgrading the 000webhost account from time to time whenever it is asked. These services are quite reliable when it comes to performance and also give a guarantee of the work with 99 percent uptime.

000webhost web hosting platform comes with numerous beneficial features that have been discussed below. In order to find the actual catch behind the purpose of availing free web hosting services, the conclusion was clear that there is no catch behind all this and the idea was only to offer free web hosting services. This website is 100% genuine and provides guaranteed work performance without taking a penny from the clients.

It is indeed when you do not pay anything, and still, you are offered numerous services, you need to be curious about the services. But 000webhost does not come with any hidden taxes or charges that were thought earlier. The name itself suggests that 000webhost is a $0.00 web hosting platform. Although 000webhost comes with several disadvantages, its advantages outweighed them completely.


Essential Features To List About 000webhost

000webhost features

  • It Is 100% Free

000webhost is a free web host and does not ask for any hidden or outspoken charges whatsoever. After inspection and using this free host, it was clear that 000webhost does not come with any hidden costs or scams that a customer needs to worry. If you are happy with the services provided by the 000web host, you do not have to upgrade it anyway for the paid premium plans. This is something that is simply the best about 000webhost, and it delivers the services as promised.

  • Disk Space Of 1500 MB

000webhost offers its users with 1.5 GB of free space which is certainly something that needs to be considered huge if you are not paying anything for it.

  • 100 GB Of Data Transfer

000webhost offers you with 100 GB of data transfer or bandwidth that is possible because of the unmetered connections that are utilized by their servers.

  • Cpanel Control Panel

Cpanel is considered as the most advanced type of control panel in the entire firm, and 000webhost uses it. It consists of numerous features that benefit the users in one or the other way and are quite easy to use even for the beginners. Numerous paid platforms use Cpanel, but 000webhost is making it available for the users absolutely for free.

  • PHP with SQL support

There are a number of hosts that do not provide any proper support to the PHP and MySQL, but 000webhost helps its clients with the latest version of both MySQL and PHP. There are also a number of other things that 000webhosts support, and they include PHP mail () function; curl, XML, Zend, Loncube loader, Sendmail, etc.

  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee

000webhost assures its clients and users with 99 percent uptime guarantee for absolutely no payment and 99.9 percent for its premium package. The forum also comes with a proof for that as well that probably none of the other hosting sites do for their users.

  • Fantastic De Luxe 1 Click Auto Installer

000webhost provides free access to the fantastic auto-installer that does the installation of the popular scripts into a breeze. This helps the users in making a discussion forum or an online gallery with ease. With only a few clicks on your website, it can get transformed into a new and excellent resource.

Pricing Of 000webhost

000webhost pricing

000webhost is a free hosting site, and you can understand it by its name itself. There are a number of features that you get while using the free version of 000webhost and are simply the best for beginners and the veterans as well. You will get fast and reliable services, and the hosting site will provide you quality service to all its users. The pricing you get with 000webhost is something that you cannot compare it with any of the paid hosts as it will be unfair.

Major Drawbacks Of 000webhost Hosting Site

As similar to the other hosts, 000webhost also comes into problematic situations at times. Most of the users have their websites removed from the 000webhost for this reason. These situations might occur because of the violation of the terms and conditions of the services provided by 000webhost.

Many of the experienced online bloggers have come with this strange problem while some of them are completely locked out of their websites when told to upgrade to get access.

However, this might be true to some levels but keeping in mind that the services are provided for free of any charges, these things are common and should not be bothered. The demanding justification for something that you never paid a penny for is wrong.

000webhost does not remove any site from its platform without a genuine reason. These are some of the major drawbacks of 000webhost that needed consideration.


If you are looking forward to expanding the list of benefits, you will have to get the premium paid account. The customer service provided by 000webhost is available 24/7. Keeping in mind that it is a free host, expecting loads of advanced customer care features is useless. It is a great hosting site for those who run smaller websites. The bottom line of it is that 000webhost is just okay and there is nothing great or awesome about it but being 100 percent free, they are doing a very good job.

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